Graduate Students

The Canadian Society for the History of Medicine (CSHM) is a great place for graduate students (and future graduate students!) interested in the history of medicine in Canada to connect with other academics and graduate students while continuing to grow as scholars.

Our annual conference is an excellent opportunity to present your work, receive feedback, and network with fellow historians and graduate students alike in a welcoming, supportive, and engaged environment. Students who present at the annual conference are eligible for the H.N. Segall Prize which is awarded for the best student paper. There is also great importance placed on fostering connections among graduate students and early career researchers through the graduate student event held during the annual conference.

More recently, we have formed the CSHM New Scholars Writing Group, where students and early career researchers meet virtually once a month and share pieces of writing for feedback. You can have work reviewed while staying connected with your fellow students. If you are interested in joining, please feel free to reach me as your current CSHM Student Representative.

The Canadian Journal of Health History, the CSHM’s journal, is always looking for book reviews. This is an opportunity for graduate students to gain experience and familiarity in working with and writing for academic journals. And it’s also a chance to have a piece of your work published and add a new line to your curriculum vitae.

The CSHM community is an avenue to other funding opportunities. The Society provides travel funds to cover the cost of student travel to the annual conference. The Hannah Studentship, funded by AMS Healthcare, allows undergraduate and masters students to conduct a history of medicine research project. AMS Healthcare also offers doctoral and post-doctoral grants on the history of health and medicine.

I hope you’ll join us and look forward to hearing from you!

Delaney Beck, CSHM Student Representative
PhD Candidate, University of New Brunswick