Undergraduate and Masters Level Funding

Segall Prize

Open to students of all levels, the H.N. Segall Prize recognizes the best student paper presented at the annual conference of the Canadian Society for the History of Medicine. Starting in 2024, Segall Prize winners will receive a $300 cash award.

CSHM Student Travel Grants

This grant reflects CSHM’s commitment to graduate student participation at our annual conference. Full-time masters or doctoral students presenting conference papers are encouraged to apply for funding up to $750 toward their travel and accommodation. You can find details, dates, and an application form HERE.

Georgina Feldberg Award / Prix Georgina-Feldberg

Students of all levels are invited to submit unpublished essays (in French or English) for the annual Canadian Journal of Health History Georgina Feldberg Memorial Student Award in the History of Health and Medicine. The winner will receive $500 and a year’s membership with the CSHM-SCHM, which includes a subscription to the CJHH. More details about the award and Dr. Feldberg can be found HERE.

CAHN/ACHN Margaret M. Allemang Scholarship

The CAHN/ACHN Margaret M. Allemang Scholarship in nursing history is open to students at the masters level. Learn about this opportunity HERE.

BC History of Nursing Society Bursaries

BC nurses who are members of the Society and who are pursuing undergraduate and graduate studies in historical aspects of nursing are eligible for financial assistance to undertake a project or study to add to the rich heritage of nursing history.

Applications are due March 30 and November 30 and are accepted in both official languages. More information can be found HERE.

Hannah Studentship 2025

AMS Healthcare and the Canadian Society for the History of Medicine (CSHM) are pleased to offer four term-length studentships to undergraduate and masters students registered at a Canadian university, for a supervised project in the history of medicine. Chosen by a jury of medical and health scholars, these studentships offer awardees an opportunity to learn historical research techniques, and they aim to encourage future study of medical history.

CSHM is pleased to offer stipends of up to $5,500 and to oversee the review of applications.

The award may be held for a period of three months during the Fall, Winter or Summer semester. Payment is made to the institution where the student is registered, which will then pay awardees directly. These awards are considered taxable income by the Canadian government.


Since 2012, AMS Healthcare has focused its vision on the concept of compassionate care: supporting healthcare providers, educators, policy makers and system leaders in anticipating, teaching, and instilling a foundation of compassion at the heart of our health system. This is based on the premise that health professionals provide the best care when they can balance human compassion and technical expertise. Read a full statement of the AMS Healthcare values that underpin their work in health history.

Eligible Research Topics:

Preference will be given to research topics that support the strategic priorities of AMS Healthcare. (AMS Strategic Plan) The project may form part of an honours thesis, masters thesis, major research paper, or an elective project, and the student may receive course credit for the work. The proposed research must have a clearly defined timeline suitable for completion during the three-month Studentship.


Applicants must be registered in an undergraduate or masters program at a Canadian university at the time of application. Any full-time undergraduate or masters student is eligible to apply provided the proposed project and supervisor meet the criteria outlined here. Medical students are welcome to apply!

Awards are normally tenable only at universities in Canada.


Please email applications to the Vice-President of the CSHM by 7 February 2025: daviesmj@yorku.ca. Applications must follow the formatting guidelines.


The jury includes bilingual evaluators to review applications in either French or English.

Publication and Acknowledgement:

There are no restrictions on publications. However, acknowledgement of support from AMS Healthcare and the CSHM shall appear on any publication resulting from this award.

We recommend the following descriptor: AMS Healthcare is a Canadian charitable organization that was created 85 years ago to catalyze change in healthcare. They have impacted healthcare through the introduction of new ideas into the system, particularly focused on the responsibility of providers and healthcare organizations to meet emerging societal needs.

AMS may reproduce, at its discretion, the title and/or blog post submission (detailed in Application Guidelines).


Please address all correspondence or questions about this application to:
Megan J. Davies

Current Award Winners: 2024 Hannah Studentship

Elise Cullon, “The Vancouver Women’s Health Collective: Transnational Feminist Activism, and Women’s Health Policy, 1970-2000,” BA, History, Vancouver Island University. Supervisor: Dr. Whitney Wood. Fall 2024.

Karly Gunson, “‘You had to do certain things this way or that way or no way at all’: Reflections on Post-Flexner Medical Education Through Oral History Records,” MA, Library and Information Sciences, University of Toronto. Supervisors: Drs. Lucy Vorobej and Cynthia Whitehead. Summer 2024.

Sarah Johnston, “Socio-economic Status in the Sanatorium: Tuberculosis in BC During the Interwar Period,” BA, History, University of Victoria. Supervisor: Dr. John Lutz. Summer 2024.

Genya Kleiner, “‘Insulin Belongs to the World’: The Privatization of Connaught Laboratories and the Economics of Insulin Pricing in Canada, 1972-1986,” MA, History, Queen’s University. Supervisor: Dr. Jenna C. Healey. Summer 2024.

Past Winners

2023 Award Winners
2022 Award Winners
2021 Award Winners
2020 Award Winners
2019 Award Winners
2018 Award Winners
2017 Award Winners
2016 Award Winners
2015 Award Winners
2014 Award Winners
2013 Award Winners