The Segall Prize

Harold Nathan Segall (1897-1990) was a distinguished cardiologist and one of the founders of the Canadian Heart Association. He took a strong interest in medical history and was the author of Pioneers of Cardiology in Canada, 1820-1970: The Genesis of Canadian Cardiology. Not long after Segall’s death, the H.N. Segall Prize was established in his honour to promote the work of students connected to the Canadian Society for the History of Medicine.

Determined by a jury drawn from the Society’s membership, the H.N. Segall Prize recognizes the best student paper presented at the annual conference of the Canadian Society for the History of Medicine. In 2023 the CSHM/SCHM executive agreed that future Segall Prize winners would receive a $300 cash award.

2024 Segal Prize Winner

2024 Alexandra Vouligny, Université de Sherbrooke, « Criminelles, mendiantes et patientes : les multiples visages des femmes de la Salpêtrière. »

Past Segall Prize winners

2023 Emily B Kaliel, University of Guelph, “Rather Isolated Communities Remote from Medical Aid”: Changing Public Health Landscapes in Alberta at Mid-century.”

2022 Eric Story, Wilfred Laurier University, “A Disability History of Tuberculous Veterans after the First World War.”

2021 Courtney Mrazek, University of New Brunswick, “More a matter for Medical men”: The Mi’kmaq and the King’s Road Reserve Removal in Sydney, Nova Scotia.”

2020 no competition due to the COVID-19 pandemic

2019 Andrea Ens, University of Saskatchewan, “‘Life with Love for Me Is Impossible’: Exploring Intersecting Discourses in Patient and Practitioner Understandings of Homosexuality at Hollywood Hospital, 1955-1973.”

2018 Lucy Vorobej, University of Waterloo, “Aesculapian Activists or Status-Quo Students? Medical Students and Social Engagement in Mid-Century Ontario.”

2017 Esther Atkinson, University of Toronto, “We are All Equal in Death: Children’s Bodies and Anatomical Dissection in Eighteenth Century Britain.”

2016 Caroline Lieffers, Yale University, “‘How to Poison Children: Justus von Liebig’s Food for Infants and the Laboratory’s Material Limits.”

2015 Jenna Healey, Yale University, “The assessment and management of risk in British medicine, circa 1700-1820.

2014 Frances Reilly, University of Saskatchewan, “Sexual Psychiatry and Cold War Paradigms.”

2013 David Theodore, Harvard University, “Planning for the Patient: Gordon A Friesen, Patient-centred Care and Automation.”

2012 Deanna Day, University of Pennsylvania, “The Patient Labor of Reproductive Care: The Contested History of Fertility Charting and Female Physiology.”

2011 Stephen Mawdsley, University of Cambridge, “Divining a Proving Ground: The Pilot Study of Gamma Globulin in the Fight Against Polio, 1951.”

2010 Delia Gavrus, University of Toronto, “A Special Specialty:” Cultural Representations of Neurosurgery in the Interwar Period.”

2010 Chantale Quesney, Université du Québec à Montréal, « Les pratiques de placement à la Société d’adoption et de protection de l’enfance à Montréal : des infirmières visiteuses aux travailleurs sociaux (1937-1972). »

2010 Charlene Ronquillo, University of British Columbia, “The history of Immigrant Filipino nurses in Western Canada: 1950-2000.”

2009 Heather Stanley, University of Saskatchewan, “‘Vested Interests’: The 1902 Midwives Act in Britain and the Construction of Medical Identities.”

2009 Shauna Devine, University of Western Ontario, “Investigative Medicine and the American Civil War: Case Study of Erysipelas and Hospital Gangrene.”

2008 Susan Lamb, Johns Hopkins University, “The Theory and Practice of Adolf Meyer’s Psychobiology: Patient Experiences Inside the Phipps Psychiatric Clinic and Johns Hopkins Hospital, 1908-1917.”

2008 Richard McKay, Oxford University, “The Vancouver Connection: Revisiting the ‘Patient Zero’ Myth of the North American AIDS Epidemic.”

2007 Judith Ellen Friedman, University of Victoria, “The Rediscovery of Anticipation in Hereditary Disease.”

2006 Lisa Rumiel, York University, “Conjuring Up the Post-Nuclear Apocalypse: The Activist Social Strategies of Physicians for Social Responsibility, 1978 – 1988.”

2006 Stéphanie Tésio, Université Laval, « L’univers thérapeutique en Basse-Normandie et au Canada au xviiie siècle »

2005 Chris Dooley, York University, “Gender and the Politics of Exclusion: Doctors, Nursing and the Training of Male Nurses at Ontario’s Mental Hospitals, 1930-1950.”

2004 Erika Dyck, McMaster University, “Plain Psychedelics: Radical Psychiatry in Small Town Saskatchewan, 1950-1970.”

2003 Sasha Mullally, University of Toronto, “Making Rounds and Moving On: Medical Demography in North American Rural Communities, 1900-1950.”

2002 Desmond Fitz-Gibbon, University of Winnipeg, “Working class opinion of public health in Winnipeg.”

2001 Cynthia Toman, University of Ottawa, “Almonte’s Great Train Disaster: Shaping Nurses’ Roles and Civilian Use of Blood Transfusion.”

2000 Catherine Carstairs, University of Toronto, “Proscribing Prescribing: Doctors, Drug Users and the Division of Narcotic Control, 1920-1961.”

2000 Barbara Martel, Université Laval, « Quelques considérations sur la douleur dans les Épidémies d’Hippocrate. »

1999 Jennifer Marotta

1998 not awarded

1997 Fiona Miller

1996 James Moran

1995 Genevieve Dumas

1994 Robert Sullivan