Books for Review

English Books for Review

The Canadian Journal of Health History is actively looking to assess new titles in the field of health and medical history and for people to review these new publications. We welcome book reviews written by graduate students, faculty, and independent scholars. Reviews are typically between 800 and 1000 words.

Presses that have books to be reviewed must contact the editor responsible before sending books.

English Book Review Editor  

Matthew Wiseman
Department of History
University of Waterloo

French Book Review Editor 

Alexandre Klein 
Professeur auxiliaire   
École des sciences infirmières  
Université d’Ottawa 

Our 2023-2024 English language book titles are below.  Please contact Matthew Wiseman ( if you are interested in reviewing one or more of them. 

University of Alberta Press

All Sky, Mirror Ocean A Healing Manifesto
Brad Necyk

The Cancer Plot: Terminal Immortality in Marvel’s Moral Universe
Reginald Weibe and Dorothy Woodman

Indigenous Healing as Paradox: Re-Membering and Biopolitics in the Settler Colony
Krista Maxwell

Indigenous Legalities, Pipeline Viscosities Colonial Extractivism and Wet’suwet’en Resistance
Tyler McCreary

University of British Columbia Press

A Healthy Future: Lessons from the Frontlines of a Crisis
Ryan Meili

Sexual Assault in Canadian Sport
Curtis Fogel and Andrea Quinlan

University of Manitoba Press

Letters with Smokie: Blindness and More-Than-Human Relations
Rod Michalko and Dan Goodley with Smokie

Stored in the Bones Safeguarding Indigenous Living Heritages
Agnieszka Pawlowska-Mainville

McGill Queen’s University Press

A Thirst for Wine and War: The Intoxication of French Soldiers on the Western Front
Adam Zientek

Art, Medicine, and Femininity: Visualising the Morphine Addict in Paris, 1870-1914
Hannah Halliwell

The Beautiful Unwanted: Down Syndrome in Myth, Memoir, and Bioethics
Christopher Kaposy

Conscripted to Care: Women on the Frontlines of the COVID-19 Response
Julia Smith

Doing Harm: How the World’s Largest Psychological Association Lost Its Way in the War on Terror
Roy J. Eidelson

Hungry and Starving: Voices of the Great Soviet Famine, 1928-1934
James R. Gibson

Pharmacopoeias, Drug Regulation, and Empires: Making Medicines Official in Britain’s Imperial World, 1618–1968
Stuart Anderson

Population Control: Theorizing Institutional Violence
Edited by Jennifer Rinaldi and Kate Rossiter

Reimagining Illness: Women Writers and Medicine in Eighteenth-Century Britain
Heather Meek

University of Toronto Press

Displacement City: Fighting for Health and Homes in a Pandemic
Edited by Greg Cook and Cathy Crowe

Cancer Confidential: Backstage Dramas in the Radiation Clinic
Charles Hayter

Making Gender: Big Pharma, HPV Vaccine Policy, and Women’s Ontological Decision-Making
Michelle Wyndham West

Managing Federalism through Pandemic
Edited by Kathy L . Brock and Geoffrey Hale

Missed and Dismissed Voices: Living with Hidden Chronic Health Problems
Alexander Segall

Reconfiguring Global Societies in the Pre-Vaccination Phase of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Edited by Jack Fong

Skating on Thin Ice: Professional Hockey, Rape Culture, and Violence against Women
Walter S . DeKeseredy, Stu Cowan, and Martin D . Schwartz

Whats in Your Genome? 90% of Your Genome Is Junk
Laurence A. Moran

Women Doctors in Weimar and Nazi Germany Maternalism, Eugenics, and Professional Identity
Melissa Kravetz

University of Chicago Press

Addiction Becomes Normal: On the Late-Modern American Subject
Jaeyoon Park

Developing to Scale: Technology and the Making of Global Health
Heidi Morefield

How Does Germline Regenerate?
Kate Maccord

How COVID-19 Took Over the World: Lessons for the Future
Edited by Christine Loh

How Does Germline Regenerate?
Kate Maccord

Looking through the Speculum: Examining the Women’s Health Movement
Judith A. Houck

Madness and Enterprise: Psychiatry, Economic Reason, and the Emergence of Pathological Value
Nima Bassiri

Navigating the Cultures of Health Care and Health Insurance: Highly Skilled Migrants in the U.S.
Nina Zeldes

Within Reason: A Liberal Public Health for an Illiberal Time
Sandro Galea

Columbia University Press

An Ungovernable Foe: Science and Policy Innovation in the U.S. National Cancer Institute
Natalie B. Aviles

Form Follows Fever: Malaria and the Construction of Hong Kong, 1841–1849
Christopher Cowell

Catastrophic Incentives: Why Our Approaches to Disasters Keep Falling Short
Jeff Schlegelmilch and Ellen Carlin

The Handbook of LGBTQIA-Inclusive Hospice and Palliative Care
Kimberly D. Acquaviva

Medicine in the Post-consumerist Society: A Philosophical Overview
Evangelos Koumparoudis

Ordering the Human: The Global Spread of Racial Science
Edited by Eram Alam, Dorothy Roberts, and Natalie Shibley

The Suicidal Person: A New Look at a Human Phenomenon
Konrad Michel

The Woman Who Couldn’t Wake Up: Hypersomnia and the Science of Sleepiness
Quinn Eastman

Duke University Press

Genomics with Care: Minding the Double Binds of Science
Mike Fortun

Intoxicated: Race, Disability, and Chemical Intimacy across Empire
Mel Y. Chen

The Long War on Drugs
Anne L. Foster

On Addiction: Insights from History, Ethnography, and Critical Theory
Darin Weinberg

Radical Health: Unwellness, Care, and Latinx Expressive Culture
Julie Avril Minich

SARS Stories: Affect and Archive of the 2003 Pandemic
Belinda Kong

Unseen Flesh: Gynaecology and Black Queer Worth-Making in Brazil
Nessette Falu

John Hopkins University Press

The Deadly Rise of Anti-Science: A Scientist’s Warning
Peter J. Hotez

Digitizing Diagnosis: Medicine, Minds, and Machines in Twentieth Century America
Andrew S. Lea

Introduction to US Health Policy: The Organization, Financing, and Delivery of Health Care in America
Donald A. Barr

Medicine Without Meds: Transforming Patient Care with Digital Therapies
Dean ho, Yoann Sapanel, and Agata Blasiak

The New Physiognomy: Face, Form, and Modern Expression
Rochelle Rives

Nothing But Nets: A Biography of Global Health Science and Its Objects
Kirsten Moore-Sheeley

Policing Pregnant Bodies: From Ancient Greece to Post-Roe America
Kathleen M. Crowther

The Power of Placebos: Unlocking Their Potential to Improve Healthcare
Jeremy Howick

The Promise and Peril of CRISPR
Edited by Neal Baer

The Public Health Approach: Population Thinking from the Black Death to COVID-19
Alfred Morabia

Regulating Abortion: The Politics of US Abortion Policy
Deborah R. McFarlane and Wendy L. Hansen

We Wait for a Miracle: Health Care and the Forcibly Displaced
Stanley Sabine and John Wenz

We’ll Fight It Out Here: A History of the Ongoing Struggle for Health Equity
David Chanoff and Louis W. Sullivan

University of North Carolina Press

Wondrous Transformations: A Maverick Physician, the Science of Hormones, and the Birth of the Transgender Revolution
Alison Li

Penn State University Press

Show Me Where It Hurts: Manifesting Illness and Impairment in Graphic Pathography
Monica Chiu

Rutgers University Press

The Best Place: Addiction, Intervention, and Living and Dying Young in Vancouver
Danya Fast

Migrants Who Care: West Africans Working and Building Lives in U.S. Health Care
Fumilayo Showers

Metamorphosis: Who We Become after Facial Paralysis
Faye Linda Wachs

Persisting Pandemics: Syphilis, AIDS, and COVID
Powel H. Kazanjian

The Politics of Potential: Global Health and Gendered Futures in South Africa
Michelle Pentecost

Reflections on the Pandemic: COVID and Social Crises in the Year Everything Changed
Edited by Teresa Politano

The Sounds of Furious Living: Everyday Unorthodoxies in an Era of AIDS
Matthew Kelly

Transformed States: Medicine, Biotechnology, and American Culture, 1990-2020
Martin Halliwell

Yale University Press

Diabetes A History of Race and Disease
Arleen Marcia Tuchman

The Gulag Doctors: Life, Death, and Medicine in Stalin’s Labour Camps
Dan Healey

Our NHS: A History of Britain’s Best Loved Institution
Andrew Seaton

Oxford University Press

Frames of Minds: A History of Neuropsychiatry on Screen
Eelco F.M. Wijdicks

Frances Oldham Kelsey, the FDA, and the Battle against Thalidomide
Cheryl Krasnick Warsh

Medicare for All A Citizen’s Guide
Abdul El-Sayed, Micah Johnson, Bernie Sanders, Pramila Jayapal

Your Money or Your Life Debt Collection in American Medicine
Luke Messac

Manchester University Press

Doing psychiatry in postwar Europe: Practices, Routines and Experiences
Edited by Gundula Gahlen, Henriette Voelker, Volker Hess and Marianna Scarfone

Jewish Refugees and the British Nursing Profession: A Gendered Opportunity
Jane Brooks

Sexual Politics in Revolutionary England
Sam Fullerton

Out of His Mind: Masculinity and Mental Illness in Victorian Britain
Amy Milne-Smith