Canada’s community
of medical and health historians
Founded in 1950 and meeting annually since 1978 under the umbrella of the Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities, the CSHM/SCHM has nurtured a community of educators, scholars, graduate students, and healthcare providers interested in the history of health and medicine. We are proud to publish the Canadian Journal of Health History / Revue canadienne d‘histoire de la santé, a globally recognized, bilingual, peer-reviewed journal that defines the field of health and medical history in Canada.
Almost since the beginning, the Toronto-based charitable organization AMS Healthcare has been a generous and foundational supporter of the work of our Society, particularly our annual conference. AMS Healthcare believes in the learnings afforded by lessons of the past. Today, we see their impact in internationally recognized scholarship, impactful community projects, and innovative new work by emerging scholars – all supported by the CSHM/SCHM community. AMS Healthcare’s current grant programs include Postdoctoral Fellowships, Doctoral Awards, Research Grants and Hannah Studentships. Read about AMS Healthcare and it’s commitment to health history. AMS Healthcare grants are detailed in the FUNDING section of our site.
Memories of CSHM video clip – submit yours by 1st February!
The AMS History of Healthcare Awards program provides doctoral, post-doctoral, and project funding. Submission deadline: Wednesday, April 2, 2025, 5pm.
Special Issue Call for Papers: Historical Scholarship in Health Professions Education (Deadline 1st July 2025). Editorial Team: Cynthia Whitehead, Lucy Vorobej, Rachel Ellaway.
The CSHM/SCHM community acknowledges that we work, live, and learn on the traditional territory of many Indigenous Nations whose people hold important knowledges of health-making, medicine, food, and land use.